Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 27, 2007

Smiley Pants

It is official - we now smile intentionally! It is soo cute. He was smiling up a storm this morning at Mommy and Daddy. I took this picture while he was in his crib this afternoon. He is also doing a great job on focusing on people and objects as they move about the room. What a big boy!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Oh Daddy!

Ok, so Daddy comes home from work and takes Jackson back to the nursery to fix his pants. He looked so cute yesterday in his white collared shirt and overalls! When he brings him back out he is wearing a onsie , courtesy of Brian Hallman and Rebecca, that says "Chicks Dig Me". Leave it to Daddy - we had to take a picture.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

5 Weeks Old!

Sweet Jackson is 5 weeks old today! He is getting so big and Mommy and Daddy have really gotten the hang of it. I think that he is starting to intentionally smile, which melts my heart. He is also starting to turn into quite the chunky monkey which I love. Here are two pictures of my sweet sleeping Jimmy, Morgan thought Sleeping Beauty was Sleeping Judy - so we call a sleeping baby boy a Sleeping Jimmy, and the little boy in a big chair. Drew discovered he likes sitting up and looking out the windows on the sun porch.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Baby Addie

Congratulations Brie and Hunter Coffer on the birth of their little girl Addie! We can't wait to meet her. She was born on April 18 at 9:03pm. She weighed 6lb 9oz and was 18 1/2 inches long! She looks like a little angel!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

4 Weeks Old!

It is hard to believe that Jackson was 4 weeks old yesterday. He has changed so much over the last month. He has just started sleeping in his crib in his room and really likes it. Mommy and Daddy are sleeping much better now, because he is such a noisy sleeper. He basically sings and grunts all night long. He looks like such a peanut in his big old crib. Last night Daddy went to a friends house so we had a pizza party at Jackson's. Shannon, Leslie, and Elisa came over and played. He loves being around people. He slept good last night too - thanks girls for wearing him out! We can't wait until Shannon and Leslie's babies get here so we can all play together. It is hard to remember what life was like before he came! We are having so much fun! Here are a few pictures of the sweet boy!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Here are a few cute pictures I took of Jackson doing a few of his favorite things. He loves his Baby Einstein gym and taking baths. It is hard to believe that he will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

3 Weeks Old!

Sorry it has been so long since the last post. We are still working hard to get into a good schedule. Keep your fingers crossed it seems to be somewhat working! Sweet Jackson was 3 weeks old yesterday and is growing so quickly. We were at the doctor last Thursday and he was 8lb 9oz, and is doing great. He is more alert during the daytime which is good b/c he usually sleeps better at night. Things are getting easier by the day. We had a great Easter - not very eventful. Jay and Shannon came over and MiMi picked us up for a field trip to Aunt Alli's house. Mommy loves field trips! His Gram came on Monday and brought him some Easter goodies. I think that I am going to have to break down and drive this week - the claustrophobia is really starting to set in. I am going to have to work on taking some pictures to post next time!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Jackson has started to really to wake up during the day and and is very alert. He just loves to look around at everything. We now have "playtime" at least two times a day when we either sit in our bouncy seat and look at our "friends" or lay in the crib with our music on and look at all of the pretty things in our nursery. I had to take this picture of him this morning during "playtime" because he still had his sweet hat on from the night before.