Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 10, 2007

It's Bumbo Time!

We love the Bumbo seat! I think that he actually may not be 100% ready for it yet, but he loves to sit up. He can hold his head steady for a little bit but then he starts what we call bobbing in the bumbo. It is hysterical. Apparently this afternoon he sat in it and watched Drew and Jay play X-Box while I went and got my toes done and he loved every minute of it.


Leslie Kirk said...
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Leslie Kirk said...

He is so darn cute!! I am glad I got to witness "bobbing in the Bumbo" on really is hysterical! Jackson is just adorable and I love him to pieces!

Curly said...

Look how big he is!!!! I'm coming to visit :)

Whitney Catalano said... he has changed so much! I am definitely due for a visit! He is not looking like Drew so much anymore he is looking like his Mama! So so cute!!